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avoid economic confusion 意味

"avoid economic confusion"の例文


  • 経済混乱{けいざい こんらん}を回避{かいひ}する


  • however , since it was predictable what would happen to the clan that caused such an attack , oishi ordered the commissioner of finance tsuneki okajima to deal with the money used in ako domain and established a few currency exchange offices on april 27 , which allowed conversion of the money at the rate of 60% , in order to avoid economic confusion .
    しかし殿中刃傷を起こした家がどうなるかは予想がついたので、大石は藩札の処理を札座奉行岡島常樹に命じ、早くも翌3月20日 (旧暦)(4月27日)には領内数箇所に藩札交換所を設けて六分率で交換させ、赤穂経済の混乱の回避に努めた。
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